I’m delighted that Amazon.com lists The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood as its #1 Best Seller in both Christian Leadership and in Religious Leadership:

I’m also delighted to announce the publication of my new newest book, Die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau aus biblischer Sicht (Augsburg, Germany: Ronsdorf, 2023) and that The Christian Post has recently published ten of my articles:
Can women be pastors: What I discovered during 50 years of research
Does 1 Timothy 2:12-15 prohibit women having authority over men?
Does 1 Corinthians say women have to cover their heads?
Does the Bible teach male headship?
What Ephesians 5 really means about husband-wife submission.
Mutual submission in 1 Peter 31:7—husband submit to wife.
Is the order of creation male authority Bible argument valid?
Bible translations distort God’s Word on the issue of gender.
The church fathers repudiate gender hierarchies in the Bible.
Is the slippery slope argument against ordaining women valid?