
I will be at ETS and SBL in November

Oct 19, 2009 | 1 Cor 14, Man & Woman | 2 comments

I will be at the ETS and SBL annual meetings in New Orleans in November. The Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting is Nov 18-20, and the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting is Nov 21-24. At the ETS Annual Meeting I will read a paper on “Codex Vaticanus Distigmai as Evidence that 1 Cor 14:34-35 is an Interpolation” Thursday at 8:30 AM in the Waterbury Ballroom (2nd floor, Sheraton).

At both meetings I will be selling signed copies of my new book Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters, for only $14.99 (retail is $29.99).

At ETS I will be at booth 617, and at SBL I will be at booth 440. Please drop by and see me.


  1. Tesingippeddy

    Other variant is possible also

  2. phil

    Thanks for the comment Tesingippeddy. Although neither the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum 27th edition nor the United Bible Societies’ The Greek Testament lists any other variant than the question of the status of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 at this point in the text, there has been one (and as far as I know only one) other suggestion of another known variant in the text following this distigme. That variant is the insertion in some Western texts of “I teach”, which if it were in the text of Codex Vaticanus would occur immediately followinging the end of this line, just like verses 34-35 do. If, however, the distigme were noting a variant in any of those western texts that add “I teach” at this point in the text, the far greater difference between those texts and the text of Codex Vaticanus is that they do not include verses 34-35 immediately following this line, but rather at the end of verse 40. It is not plausible that the scribe of Vaticanus in comparing the text of Codex Vaticanus to a Western text-type text would notice the addition of “I teach” but would not notice that verses 34-35 do not follow verse 33. If the variant text also had verses 34-35 after verse 40, we would expect also to find a distigme at the end of verse 40. But there is no distigme there. Since there is no distigme after verse 40, it is highly unlikely that the variant being noted was from a Western text-type text (since they all have verses 34-35 after verse 40 and not after v. 33). Consequently, it is highly unlikely that the variant being noted is a variant associated with the Western text. It is far more likely that the variant being noted by the distigme is from a text that omitted verses 34-35. In my lecture at ETS, I will provide more evidence for this. For a much fuller explanation of the evidence read the section of my book, Man and Woman, One in Christ, on 1 Cor 14:34-35.


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