UPDATE: We found and removed the invisible content inserted into pbpayne.com in order to boost another site’s Google ranking. Google has reindexed pbpayne.com and found no security issues. Google Search recently notified us our site appeared to have been hacked and what Google calls “spammy links” were being inserted into the pages of the site. There was no danger to you our readers because there was no active content or malware on the site (just invisible “spammy links”). The injected content was invisible to visitors and to us, but was visible to the Google Search Bot when it indexes the site. The purpose for the injected content was to raise the search ranking of bogus websites. These bogus websites could not be reached from our site; they were visible (clickable) only on Google Search results pages, not on PBPayne.com. We have repaired the site. There was no need to be alarmed by the warning Google was placing on their Google Search results pages. There is no danger to you our visitors.