Nancy and I had many happy reunions with good friends at the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature in New Orleans Nov. 17-23. Scores of people were absolutely delighted to be able at last to buy Man and Woman, One in Christ at the Linguist’s Software exhibits.‘
Zondervan had a huge eight foot tall banner/poster of my book where they sold many more of my book at their exhibits. Christians for Biblical Equality also sold many and displayed a poster of the book at their booth.
A highlight at ETS was my presentation of a paper: “The Codex Vaticanus Distigmai as Evidence that 1 Cor 14:34-35 is an Interpolation.” The feedback was universally positive.
I enjoyed seeing old friends at the Tyndale House (Cambridge, England) breakfast, the Gordon-Conwell breakfast and Sunday worship, the Zondervan author breakfast and lunch. I also had fascinating discussions at the Linguist’s Software booth, and enjoyed dinners with special friends.