I am delighted to make available the Mandarin Chinese translation kindly made by Sharon Lu from Shanghai, China, and...
Eph 5 Articles
French translation of “The Bible Teaches the Equal Standing of Man and Woman”
I am delighted to make available the French translation made by Dominique Mallol of Strassbourg, France, of my article...
New Publication Conveys the Central Ideas of my Book in Seven Pages!
I am delighted to make available a seven page summary of Man and Woman, One in Christ. "The Bible Teaches the Equal...
Phil to present a Workshop at the CBE 2015 Annual Meeting in LA July 26
I am delighted to be presenting a Workshop on "New Life in Christ Entails Men and Women Sharing Authority and...
Phil spoke at the Marcella Summit May 1-3, Austin, TX
I have returned from the remarkable 2015 Marcella Summit: A convening on the Blessed Alliance, May 1-3 at the Retreat...
UPC has posted Audio of Phil’s talks on Women in the Church
University Presbyterian Church, Seattle, has posted audio of Phil's talks on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, 1 Timothy 2:11-12,...
Phil Gives 14 Hours of Public Lectures & Discussions in Minneapolis-St. Paul
I returned this week from a wonderfully-received series of 14 hours of public lectures and discussions in...
What an amazing year it has been!
What an amazing year it has been! I have been overwhelmed by the uniformly enthusiastic responses to all the seminars...
Phil lecturing in Uganda, Kenya, Podcast #2
My wife, Nancy, and I are flying to Uganda and Kenya in July, to speak to couples, Kyambogo University Chapel, a...