Some people try to restrict Paul's affirmation of women prophesying in 1 Cor 11:2-16 to prophesying done only outside...
1 Cor 14 Articles
Paul Adams reviews Man and Woman chapters 6-15
Paul Adams continues his insightful reviews of Man and Woman, One in Christ, which you can read in full at...
A Complementarian Writes How My Book Was A Fruitful And Stimulating Paradigm-Changing Challenge
I was greatly encouraged to receive emails from David R. Booth from Balcatta, Western Australia, sharing how my book...
Critique of Peter Head’s “Distigmai and Marginalia of Vaticanus”
At the New Testament Textual Criticism Seminar of the Society of Biblical Literature meeting November 21, 2009 Peter...
The 51 Distigmai Matching the Apricot Color of Codex Vaticanus’s Original Ink
To view the location, verse reference, and variant type of each of the 51 distigmai that match the apricot color of...
Images of the distigme-obelus mark, as before 1 Cor 14:34-35
So you don't have to just imagine what the distigme-obelus symbol looks like just before 1 Cor 14:34-35, I have...
Question: Why not interpret 1 Cor 14:34-35 as a false prophecy that Paul refutes in 14:36-38?
I received this question from Don Johnson, who is reading my book. Question: I am enjoying your book. I love your...
We are home from ETS and SBL
Nancy and I had many happy reunions with good friends at the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society...
I will be at ETS and SBL in November
I will be at the ETS and SBL annual meetings in New Orleans in November. The Evangelical Theological Society Annual...