
Phil’s Major New Publication on OUDE in 1 Timothy 2:12

Jul 23, 2015 | 1 Tim 2, Man & Woman | 0 comments

I am excited to make available my newest major article on the conjunction in 1 Timothy 2:12: “OUDE Combining Two Elements to Convey a Single Idea and 1 Timothy 2:12: New Insights” in Missing Voices (Minneapolis: CBE, 2014) 24-34. It shows that the closest syntactical parallels to the OUDE construction in 1 Timothy 2:12 join two elements to convey a single idea. It shows that OUDE almost always joins two elements to convey a single idea in the New Testament’s “Not X OUDE Y, but Z” constructions.  It is the combination of X and Y that contrasts with Z, “not this (X+Y) but that (Z).” It shows that early Christian commentary supports understanding 1 Timothy 2:12 as conveying a single prohibition. It shows that it is artificial to assume that all elements joined by OUDE are either positive or negative. It argues that when OUDE joins two elements to convey a single idea, the two elements are not viewed separately as positive or negative, but are viewed together. It explains in detail eight passsages, in six of which OUDE joins two infinitives, where OUDE joins a verb with primarily positive connotations to a verb with prrimarily negative connotations. In all six cases where OUDE joins infinitives, the context supports that the author intended to convey a single idea. 1 Timothy 2:12 similarly conjoins an infinitive with primarily positive connotations, “to teach,” with an infinitive with primarily negative connotations, “to assume authority one does not rightfully have.” Like each of the other six, it is most naturally understood as conveying a single idea, not two separate prohibitions. The article identifies seven reasons why 1 Timothy 2:12 should be understood as prohibiting not two separate things, but one thing, the assumption of authority to teach that one does not rightfully have. Consequently, it did not prohibit a woman with recognized teaching authority, like Priscilla (see Acts 18:26 teaching Apollos, and 1 Timothy 4:19 for her still being in Ephesus), from teaching, for she would not be assuming teaching authority she did not rightfully have.

Payne OUDE CBE ETS final


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