Positive Reviews of my new article on Codex Vaticanus in New Testament Studies
I am delighted to make available with twelve color photographs: “Vaticanus Distigme-obelos Symbols Marking Added Text, Including 1 Corinthians 14.34-5” New Testament Studies 63.4 (2017) 604-625. Paul Canart, probably the world’s leading expert on Codex Vaticanus, emailed to me how pleased he is with the article and its argument that scribe B faithfully copied a primitive manuscript of the Gospels. Larry Hurtado, renowned New Testament textual scholar, already has a positive review of it at https://larryhurtado.wordpress.com/2017/09/23/paul-and-1-corinthians-1434-35/, and the British mainstream newspaper Telegraph already has published a positive review of its importance at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/22/bible-passage-used-stop-women-become-ordained-added-later-academic/ (more…)
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